Act as Exclusive commercial representative in Azerbaijan and CIS Countries
Factory Produced Polyethylene and export to CIS countries
Lead the team work of EGL for purchasing the Oil field in Kazakhstan
Act as commercial representative at Africa & Egypt
Act since this date till now as commercial representative and consultant in Africa
Act as commercial representative at Africa
Act as Commercial Consultant to lead Company to create Cement Fabrics
Act as Commercial Consultant to Planning Investment Program
Act as Commercial Consultant and lead the team of company to got finance Program and Investment financial
Purchasing D2, Gas, Oil for Russian export grade
Act as consultant and facilitator to cover recommended fuel for American local flights
A Lead and act as commercial consultant in to create Gas complex in Turkmenistan
Act as commercial consultant and main coordinator to create refinery in Kazakhstan
Act as consultant to purchasing D2 deal
Act as commercial consultant to lead the team and inter in purchasing oil from Omanian oil state
Act as Commercial Consultant and chive coordinator to purchasing crude oil from Aramco
Act as commercial consultant to lead team for invest in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan in oil and petrochemical
Act as commercial Consultant and chive coordinator to purchasing crude oil deal